ASD in Adults (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Our local ADHD Service provider Bristol Autism Spectrum Service (BASS) provide assessments by trained, registered health professionals with extensive knowledge and experience of assessing autism.  They provide assessments for people aged 17.5 years. 

If you wish to be referred to our local BASS Service for an assessment, please arrange an appointment with a GP.  Please note that BASS are currently experiencing long waiting times for assessments.  However, you can choose to be seen under the following NHS Right to Choose (RTC) providers:

How to start a RTC referral request:

  1. Patients who wish to be referred must first visit each of the website (links below) to ensure that they have read and finalised their decision. (you are only able to be referred to one service at the time of referral)
  2. Once you have decided on your choice of provider, complete the relevant documentation (details can be found on your chosen providers's web page), and return them to us via email (, by post or face to face
  3. Once you have returned your completed documents, please allow 7 days before arranging a GP appointment. This will enable us to upload the documents onto our clinical system. 

Signs and Symptoms of ASD in Adults

Neurodiversity, autism and ADHD information for parents


ASD in children

Our local Autism Spectrum Assessment Service  is for children and young people aged between two years and four months and 17 years and six months. They provide assessments for children and young people with neurodiversity needs and suspected autism causing them very significant difficulties in their daily life despite appropriate support. Assessments require supporting information from the family and educational setting and are best made by people that know the child well.  It most cases this is not the GP, but the child's SENCo coordinator (Special Educational Needs).  

Making a referral

Only children and young people with suspected autism and functional difficulties associated with autism will be accepted for an autism assessment. See the referral criteria page for more details.

Not all children are accepted for an autism assessment, and an assessment does not always result in an autism diagnosis.

Before considering an autism assessment we recommend that families access resources outlined on the advice and signposting page to help make a plan to support the child better. You will be asked in the referral about what you have already put in place and how your child has responded to these measures.

To do list for Parent/Carer

If your child's SENCo coordinator thinks that he/she meets the referral critiera, they will go ahead in making the referral. It is essential that all relevant referral documentation is completed.   Parent/carers are requested the complete the Social Communication Questionnaire Home (specific to the child's age) and either email it directly to the Autism Assessment Service or pass it to your school SENCo lead. Parent and carers with children aged 11 can complete either questionnaire. As a guide, the under 11 questionnaire is for primary school and younger.

1. Social Communication Questionnaire Home (complete relevant age form)


We recommend that the child or young person completes a Young Person Social Communication Questionnaire if they are able to do so.

Where a child or young person has parents/carers who are separated, we recommend that both parents complete the Social Communication Questionnaire relevant for your child’s age.

To do list for Nursery/School

Your child's Nursery or School will need to complete the SPE Referral Form together with the relevant Social Communication Questionnaire Setting:

The Nursery/School should send both the completed SPE Form and Questionnaire directly to the Autism Assessment Service at 


Right to Choose (RTC) Referral

The Autism Assessment Spectrum Service are currently experiencing long wait times.  However, your child can be referred under the NHS Right to Choose pathway (RTC).  Here are some providers who offer this service:

    • Evolve Psychology - They assess children from the age of 3 years but are NOT a medication/titration service
    • Oakdale Centre - They assess children from the age of 2 and provide a medication/titration service 
    • Paloma Health - They assess children from the age of 7 years but do NOT provide a medication service 
    • Provide Wellbeing - They assess children from the age of 6 years but do NOT provide a medication service
    • Psicon -They assess children from 3-18 years. They offer in-person assessments in Basingstoke (Hampshire) and Canterbury (Kent). They can accept referrals from anywhere in England if families are willing to travel.  They do not provide online only autism assessments. They provide a medication/titraton service

The School are unable to make referrals to RTC Providers, so please make an appointment with the GP to discuss a referral for assessment. 

Signs and Symptoms

If you feel that your child may be experiencing signs or symptoms of Autism, please speak with a member of your child's school SENCo coordinator or GP

Signs and Symptoms of ASD in Children