
The online booking system, Klinik is now closed. It will re-open on Monday 9-December at 07:30

Feedback/Making a Complaint

At Bedminster Family Practice, we value patient feedback to help us review and improve the services we offer.

There are different ways you can send us feedback. Find more information about giving feedback or making a complaint below.

How to give patient feedback

Bedminster Family Practice cares for over 13,000 patients.

There will be things we do that may not work for everyone, and we need patient feedback to recognise any problems. 
Equally when something goes well we want to know from our patients that it has.

Sometimes you may want to pass feedback on to us, but not necessarily as a complaint. You can do this by completing our online form.

You can also give feedback by contacting the surgery directly or by completing one of our comment cards at the surgery.

How to make a complaint about an NHS service

If you're unhappy with an NHS service, then it's worthwhile talking your concerns with us early on, as we may be able to resolve it quickly. 

Where you are not able to resolve your complaint in this way and wish to make a formal complaint, you should do so preferably in writing, as soon as possible after the event, and ideally within a few days as this helps us to establish what happened more easily.

In any event, this should be:

  • Within 12 months of the incident,
  • or within 12 months of you discovering the incident, giving as much detail as you can.

Complaint Form

Send your written complaint to:

Bedminster Family Practice 

Regent Road

Bristol BS3 4AT 

or you can email it to us: 

Our Complaints Procedure outlines the process and time frames BFP Complaints Procedure

If you would prefer to speak to someone else outside of our surgery, then you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). This is a free, confidential and independent service that you can use to talk to someone who understands the complaints process and can offer some guidance and support.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Complaining about NHS services

You can find more information about making a complaint about NHS services on the NHS website.

NHS: How to make a Complaint