Getting a Health Coach might be the most helpful thing you can do for yourself this year - but what does a Health Coach do?
Health coaching is not about giving advice on how to improve your health.
People have often already received advice on how to make healthy changes in their life. They already know what changes to make, but circumstances make these changes difficult to start or keep up. That is where health coaching comes in. It helps to increase motivation, introduce healthy behaviours, and develop ways of living a healthier life in a way that works for you.
A Health Coach:
- Can support you in making lifestyle changes
- Can support you with goal setting, planning, behaviour change, motivation and accountability
- Is there to help you build healthy lifestyle habits that align with your goals and is based on what is important to you
- Can help you to understand your reasons for motivation for change
- Is here to empower you to see yourself as the expert on your own health and circumstances
- Allows you to become more actively engaged in improving your health & wellbeing
- Enables you to become more aware of your strengths, resources and local networks
Examples of what we can work with
- Weight Loss
- Physical Activity
- Stop Smoking
- Lifestyle Changes to improve cholesterol levels
- Building Healthy Habits
- Managing long term conditions
- Sleep
- Reduce Stress
- Pain Management
- Menopause
What we can’t do:
Please be advised that Health and Wellbeing Coaching is not designed to diagnose or treat health conditions neither is it a substitute for medical advice. We also cannot prescribe medication.
If you think you have a health condition, please arrange to speak with your GP.
What to expect
- A free In-house service provided by your GP practice
- Upon receiving your referral, your Health and Wellbeing Coach will be in contact with you either over phone or letter to acknowledge your referral.
- The Health & Wellbeing coach will meet with you either one-to-one, face to face at the surgery, virtually – online or over the phone
- Your first appointment will be a 20-minute taster appointment where you can learn about Health & Wellbeing Coaching and see if it might suit you
- After this you may agree on a series of sessions which will be up to 45 minutes long
- During these sessions we will explore what changes you wish to make, what motivates you and what your strengths are. When you are ready, we can start setting goals and take small steps to support you to get from where you are now to where you want to be.
How to get referred?
By speaking to your GP or Nurse. You can also visit our website and self-refer through Klinik.